Monday, July 24, 2023

My Itinerary for When Words Collide, August 4-6, Delta South, Calgary

I'm looking forward to attending When Words Collide in Calgary August 4-6. I'm currently slotted on the following events:

Friday 1 PM - Practice Pitch: People hoping to pitch to acquisiton editors/agents later in the conference get to practice and get feedback from me first.

Friday 3 PM Working with an Editor panel

Friday 4 PM -Writer/Editor Speed Mingle: like speed dating, editors/writers meet each other for 5 minutes each
Atrium commons

Saturday 2 PM - Why Are Zombies Essential to a Writer’s Group? panel session

Saturday 4 PM - What are SFF Editors Looking For? panel

Sunday 10 AM - Blue Pencil Cafe: quick feedback on opening pages -requires sign up

Sunday 4 PM B- - Multiculturalism in 2023

I will also be hanging out the rest of the con to meet people etc.